
noyb Sues Hamburg DPA over “Pay or OK” in Der Spiegel

noyb has filed a lawsuit against the Hamburg Data Protection Authority (DPA) after it approved the controversial ‘Pay or OK’ system used by DER SPIEGEL, which forces users to choose between consenting to data tracking or paying for a subscription. The Hamburg DPA’s decision, which took nearly three years, has been criticized for lack of impartiality, as the complainant was not consulted and critical facts were ignored.

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Noyb Publishes 2023 Annual Report

In 2023, NOYB continued its pivotal role in enforcing data protection rights across Europe, filing over 40 new complaints, including significant actions against Meta’s controversial “Pay or Okay” system and unlawful credit scoring practices. Key victories included substantial fines against Meta (€1.5 billion) and Spotify (€5 million).

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noyb Files Complaint Against Xander for GDPR Violations in RTB

On July 9, 2024, None Of Your Business ( filed a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante) against Xander Inc. for alleged GDPR violations. NOYB claims Xander violated several GDPR articles by mishandling user data and failing to comply with access and erasure requests. Xander, which operates a Real Time Bidding platform, is accused of collecting sensitive personal information and failing to adequately identify and respond to data subjects. The complaint requests Garante to enforce data protection rights, correct inaccurate profiles, and impose fines on Xander.

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noyb’s Consent Banner Report: How Authorities Actually Decide

On 11 July 2024, noyb released its Consent Banner Report, analyzing how European DPAs handle consent banner violations compared to EDPB guidelines. Following hundreds of complaints, the EDPB created a taskforce in 2021 and published findings in January 2023. noyb’s report highlights discrepancies between the EDPB’s recommendations and national DPAs’ practices, providing essential insights for companies to improve their consent banners. The report underscores the importance of clear, non-deceptive consent mechanisms to comply with GDPR standards.

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noyb Files Complaint Against Google’s Privacy Sandbox

noyb Files Complaint Against Google’s Privacy Sandbox

noyb has filed a complaint with the Austrian data protection authority against Google. The complaint argues that Google misled users into enabling an “ad privacy feature” through deceptive pop-ups, which actually track users via the new Privacy Sandbox API. The API replaces third-party cookies with first-party tracking within the Chrome browser. Google used manipulative design techniques, known as dark patterns, to secure user consent, violating GDPR requirements for informed and transparent consent. The complaint demands Google’s compliance with GDPR and suggests imposing a significant fine.

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