On 11 July 2024, noyb published its Consent Banner Report, detailing the discrepancies between the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) recommendations and the national Data Protection Authorities (DPAs) regarding consent banners. This report aims to provide a comprehensive resource for companies implementing consent banners and to spark further discussion on improving user consent mechanisms.
The EDPB established a “cookie banner taskforce” in September 2021 in response to numerous complaints about misleading consent banners. The taskforce’s report, released in January 2023, offered opinions and recommendations on various consent banner violations. The EDPB emphasized that its findings set minimum thresholds, allowing national DPAs to adopt stricter standards.
noyb’s report highlights various issues by country, with the common denominator that no country requires a permanently visible floating icon to withdraw consent, highlighting a gap in ensuring user-friendly consent withdrawal options. Here is the country by country view in a nutshell:

You can find the press release and the report here.

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