
Google Halts Plans to Phase Out Third-Party Cookies

Google has reversed its decision to phase out third-party cookies from its Chrome browser, opting instead to provide users with the option to block these cookies across their web browsing. This change, announced on 22 July 2024, is said to come after feedback from regulators and stakeholders, including the UK’s Competition and Markets Authority. Google says their new strategy aims to enhance user privacy while maintaining a vibrant ad-supported internet. However, concerns remain that this approach could still limit third-party advertising and shift ad spending towards Google’s search ads, raising potential antitrust issues.

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Danish DPA Reports Municipalities’ Steps Toward Compliance in the Google Chromebook Case

The Danish Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet) reports that municipalities are taking steps to comply with the orders issued in January 2024. KL (Local Government Denmark), representing 52 municipalities, announced that from August 1, 2024, municipalities will stop sharing personal data with Google for purposes deemed unlawful by the Authority. Datatilsynet noted contract adjustments ensuring data processing strictly follows municipal instructions, except as required by EU law. Allan Frank, IT security specialist at Datatilsynet, highlighted remaining issues. The Authority awaits an opinion from the European Data Protection Board on documentation of subprocessors to make a final assessment.

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Italian Competition Authority Initiates Investigation into Google for Unfair Practices

The Italian Competition Authority has initiated an investigation against Google and its parent company Alphabet for potential misleading and aggressive commercial practices regarding user consent. The Authority alleges that Google’s consent requests for linking services lack adequate, complete, and clear information, potentially influencing users’ decisions on data usage. These practices might condition consumers’ freedom of choice, leading them to consent to data combination and cross-use across multiple services without full understanding.

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noyb Files Complaint Against Google’s Privacy Sandbox

noyb Files Complaint Against Google’s Privacy Sandbox

noyb has filed a complaint with the Austrian data protection authority against Google. The complaint argues that Google misled users into enabling an “ad privacy feature” through deceptive pop-ups, which actually track users via the new Privacy Sandbox API. The API replaces third-party cookies with first-party tracking within the Chrome browser. Google used manipulative design techniques, known as dark patterns, to secure user consent, violating GDPR requirements for informed and transparent consent. The complaint demands Google’s compliance with GDPR and suggests imposing a significant fine.

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