EU law

Second GDPR Report Highlights Progress and Challenges

The European Commission released its second report on the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Since the first report in 2020, the GDPR has significantly impacted individuals and businesses, with the EU introducing numerous initiatives to enhance digital transformation. The report highlights key achievements, including increased enforcement activities and cooperation among data protection authorities. However, it also identifies areas needing improvement, such as supporting SMEs, providing clearer guidance, and achieving consistent GDPR enforcement across the EU. Significant enforcement actions have led to fines totaling around EUR 4.2 billion.

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EU Commission Publishes Biennual Report on Consumer Protection

On 25 July 2024, the European Commission released its biennial report on the actions carried out under the Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC) Regulation. The report highlights a 41% increase in mutual assistance requests, with 440 exchanges. Key enforcement actions focused on dark patterns, misleading price reductions, and influencer marketing. The report also emphasized the importance of digital market regulation, green transition, and consumer resilience amid multiple crises. Future market trends include the impact of AI, greenwashing, and online fraud.

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noyb Files Complaint Against Xander for GDPR Violations in RTB

On July 9, 2024, None Of Your Business ( filed a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante) against Xander Inc. for alleged GDPR violations. NOYB claims Xander violated several GDPR articles by mishandling user data and failing to comply with access and erasure requests. Xander, which operates a Real Time Bidding platform, is accused of collecting sensitive personal information and failing to adequately identify and respond to data subjects. The complaint requests Garante to enforce data protection rights, correct inaccurate profiles, and impose fines on Xander.

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Danish DPA Reports Municipalities’ Steps Toward Compliance in the Google Chromebook Case

The Danish Data Protection Authority (Datatilsynet) reports that municipalities are taking steps to comply with the orders issued in January 2024. KL (Local Government Denmark), representing 52 municipalities, announced that from August 1, 2024, municipalities will stop sharing personal data with Google for purposes deemed unlawful by the Authority. Datatilsynet noted contract adjustments ensuring data processing strictly follows municipal instructions, except as required by EU law. Allan Frank, IT security specialist at Datatilsynet, highlighted remaining issues. The Authority awaits an opinion from the European Data Protection Board on documentation of subprocessors to make a final assessment.

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Italian Competition Authority Initiates Investigation into Google for Unfair Practices

The Italian Competition Authority has initiated an investigation against Google and its parent company Alphabet for potential misleading and aggressive commercial practices regarding user consent. The Authority alleges that Google’s consent requests for linking services lack adequate, complete, and clear information, potentially influencing users’ decisions on data usage. These practices might condition consumers’ freedom of choice, leading them to consent to data combination and cross-use across multiple services without full understanding.

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