Quebec CAI Releases User-Friendly PIA Companion Guide

Quebec CAI Releases Updated Privacy Impact Assessment template and Companion Guide

The Quebec Commission on Access to Information (CAI) has introduced a new, user-friendly version of its Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA) Companion Guide on May 14, 2024. This guide, updated from its September 2023 edition, enhances accessibility for those overseeing personal information protection. It outlines when a PIA is necessary, steps for conducting a PIA, and preparing PIA reports. Additionally, a non-mandatory PIA reporting template is provided to assist public bodies and businesses, promoting thorough and compliant privacy practices.

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Danish DPA publishes AI data protection impact assessment template

On 22 May 2024, the Danish Data Protection Agency (Datatilsynet) released two templates to assist companies and authorities in conducting impact assessments. One template addresses AI solutions, and the other is more general. These templates aim to help organizations perform adequate and timely assessments, addressing challenges identified in an October 2023 survey. The AI-specific template includes examples of risks and mitigation measures and emphasizes clear documentation, stakeholder consultation, and regular updates.

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